Monday, April 2, 2012

I Know Their Meanings

I hear
The language of trees
The words of water
The voice of air. . . .
And I know their meanings.

Thank you Great One.

I see
The writings of wind
The painting of clouds
The art of breathe. . . .
And I know their meanings.

Thank you Majestic One.

I feel
The emotions of a storm
The touch of dew
The drama of existing. . . .
And I know their meanings.

Thank you Splendid One.

–Just Joan

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Die Young

Die young.
Die young,
and you didn’t
accomplish anything.

die young drunk
and you didn’t
have any fun.
Die young.
Die young.

Do them drugs
like Jimi Hendricks did.
Die young.

Do them drugs
like Janis Joplin did.
Die young.

Do them drugs
like Jim Morrison du=id.
Die young.

Do them drugs
like Kurt Cobain.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ithink that there will be no swimming, today, as I seem to have pulled a muscle in my back washing my dog Morisson, yesterday. I have some old friends of mine joing me here on Crack Book, which is a great thing, but I want to warn them that I post a lot, and they might be best off to categorize me as an "acquaintence," rather than as a "close friend," so that I don't clog up their stream!! It is always nice to keep friends as friends.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

die young

die young
die young.
and you didn’t
accomplish anything.

die young drunk
and you didn’t
have any fun.
die young.
die young.

do them drugs
like jimi hendricks did
die young.

do them drugs
like janis joplin did.
die young.

do them drugs
like jim morrison
die young.

do them drugs
like kurt cobain.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

#1 on the charts but...

He went to rehab
but checked himself out.
He died of complications
due to a malfunctioning liver.
He made great music,
but his booze got him.
I can only imagine the pain
that he lived in, having
lived that type of existence
myself when I was younger.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shame on you

You shame easily
The Nuns and Priests
have done their job.
You'll never steal from
them, and if you do
you'll confess it in a
booth, sometime before Sunday.